Do you have an impact-first brand? Become part of our partner nework.

Mundi as a societal mission:

We make is easier and more interesting to discover impact-first brands

Impact first

For out mission we build a community of brands that produce with people and the environment. at heart. We call this impact-first.

Impact first

Voor onze missie bouwen wij een community van merken die produceren met oog voor mens en milieu. Dit noemen wij impact-first.

What impact-first means

To provide more insight into what we mean by impact-first, we have established a set of guidelines that participating partners adhere to:

Each partner has a clearly defined social and/or ecological societal goal for a better planet.

Partners are impact-first oriented: profit is not prioritized over societal goals.

Each partner provides insight into their annual progress towards this goal in the form of an impact report.

Partners are not part of a larger holding company where activities conflicting with the societal goal are also conducted — so no greenwashing labels

Partners are "best of class" in their category.


Given the wide range of products and complex production chains, we are unable to monitor our partners. Therefore, we must rely on what the brands themselves declare. But where would the world be without a little trust?